Seoptimizer India

When designing the navigation structure of a website, keep it simple and clear. If navigation is complex then crawler may find it difficult to navigate your site...

Day 4 : Site Structure the Crawlers Way

By making site navigation simple and clear we make both the Crawler and site users happy. Site Navigation can be defined as how the pages of a site linked together. If a page needs more clicks to show up then search engines give less value to that page. It is beneficial to make each page accessible by fewer clicks.

You can add important pages into main navigation bar which appears on every page of the site.

If you have a website that contains home page and 7 other pages then it is not necessary to link all these 7 pages to the home page, you can create your navigation in such a way that most important pages will link to each other directly and rest of the pages which are not so important can be linked in directly to the home page of a website. By default the most important and highest weighted page of a website is index page so you have to design your navigation in such a way that every single page is linked directly or indirectly to the home page.

To make your site life easier you can create a site map for your site that contains the name of all the pages in your site with a link back to each page. You can also create internal linking by using a sentence, word or phrase from one page to link it to the other pages. Google